This is if for all of you who want to share with all sailing experiences with our Spinnaker One products
Send-us your feedback on our products !

“We hoisted the Spinnaker, top to manage with the ATN sock”
Michel : Oceanis 351 - Patin d'amure ATN - Spinnaker Asymetric : ASY8 - Chaussette ATN
“As you can see from the three files to follow, the spinnaker you delivered to me is perfect! Alone aboard my Pogo 10.50, I was able very easily to hoist the spinnaker in its sock, then navigate, jibe, lower with the sock, all without any problem and with disconcerting ease! ”
Pascal Richez - Pogo 10.50 StarBoard, Dz
“Hello, I have received your spinnaker and thank you for your follow-up of my order. I was able to try it very shortly yesterday afternoon and am completely satisfied (... the settings remain to be fine-tuned!). Best regards and a happy end of summer to you.”
Pascal et Eva : Spi Asym T1

“I tested the new S1 spinnaker on my Flying 40, the fit is really nice and the finishes are great. I'm happy to replace my old patched spinnaker with this new model with a reasonable budget.”
Yann : Spi T1 - Flying 40
“Hello, I have received your spinnaker and thank you for your follow-up of my order. I was able to try it very shortly yesterday afternoon and am completely satisfied (... the settings remain to be fine-tuned!). Best regards and a happy end of summer to you.”
Pascal et Eva : Spi Asym T1
“It was a great pleasure to use the Asy8 spinnaker in light winds and to appreciate the handling of the sock. This week we came out to sea with a little more wind (8 to 9 knots), this happiness is confirmed by the simplicity and efficiency of this sail. I do not regret this purchase at all, moreover everything has been perfect. (For the record, this is my one and only online purchase to this day).”
Armand : Spi ASY8

“Thank you for the prompt shipment of my asymmetric spinnaker. I tested it this WE on my Class8, it's perfect. A real pleasure to no longer have to set up the pole to make good downwind edges. I start to think about my future front end! Veilously”
Alain- Carry-le-Rouet : Spi Asy1 - First class 8

“Hello, I tried the spinnaker and the quality of the fabric, the finishes and the cut correspond to my expectations. cordially”
Emmanuel - Nouvelle Calédonie
“Considering the weather, I had not yet been able to deploy the spinnaker you sent me. And today it is with great surprise that I discovered that you had finally been able to realize the decoration with the image of the caveman. You are great and can count on me to talk about you and your know-how around me. I will be sure to send you pictures of the equipped boat as soon as I can. Bravo bravo bravo”
Spi Custom